Thursday, December 9, 2010


Do you feel like your workout is something that you avoid because you don't enjoy it?

Exercising doesn't have to be dull and drab. I like to find a little excitement in when I work out like shake my butt or feel like I'm at a night club dancing. Zumba makes me feel like that. Its not too overwhelming of a workout but just enough to break a little sweat and get the heart rate going. You can get a package deal where you can purchase a cardio DVD, a fitness lived DVD, a flat abs DVD and more. The DVDs include a packet that offers introduction to all of the moves too so you don't feel lost in a fast paced workout that you can't follow. To me Zumba is a workout that I enjoy doing right in the comfort of my living room. I don't have to get out and go to the gym and I don't have to pay for the membership fee. I have seen my body tone up from using Zumba and it really motivates me to continue to workout so remember to include exercise in your weight loss plan.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

An Apple a Day

Weight Loss doesn't have to be a burden. Be positive about weight loss like your excited to unveil your new you in the close future. The you that can go out in public and not be ashamed of who you are. A new you that doesn't have to change your clothes ten times before you walk out of the house. Today's weight loss tip is eating your apples...yes apples. An Apple a day helps keep the doctor away, is what they always say right? Well how about an apple a day helps keep the weight away, that's right and an apple doesn't always have to boring. I like to eat my apple with Peanut Butter or a dap of Cinnamon. In addition to weight loss there are many other health benefits you can attribute to eating apples. Here are ten advantages to eating apples:
  1. Bone Protection-studies have shown that apples may help protect post-menopausal women from osteoporosis and may also help increase bone density, Wow!
  2. Asthma-studies have shown that children who eat apples are less likely to wheeze compared to those asthma sufferers who didn't eat apples. In addition, pregnant women who ate apples while being pregnant birthed children who didn't suffer from asthma.
  3. Alzheimer Prevention-a study shown on mice shown that mice who ate apples protected brain cells from the free radical damage that may lead to Alzheimer's disease.
  4. Lower Cholesterol-their is pectin in apples, which lowers LDL, the bad cholesterol. People who ate two apples a day have shown to lower their cholesterol as much as 16%!
  5. Lung Cancer Protection-According to a study of 10,000 people, studies have shown those who ate apples had a 50% lower risk of developing lung cancer than those who didn't.
  6. Breast Cancer Prevention-Studies have shown those that ate an apple a day reduced their risk of breast cancer by 17%.
  7. Colon Cancer Prevention-One study found that rats fed one apple a day reduced their risk of colon cancer by 43%.
  8. Liver Cancer Prevention-Studies shown that rats fed apple skins reduced their risk of liver cancer by 57%.
  9. Diabetes Management-The pectin in apples supplies galacturonic acid to the body which lowers the bodys need for insulin and may help in the management in diabetes.
  10. Weight Loss-A Brazilian study found that women who ate three apples a day or pears per day lost more weight while dieting than women who did not eat fruit while dieting.

So, get grab some apples and start dieting...let this be an enjoying experience, with all of these benefits you really are doing your body a favor and letting your body act to its fullest potential.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Maintaining Healthy Eating

Did you know that Vitamins and Minerals are a healthy way to keep your body properly nourished? Sometimes if you are not eating all of the right foods you need to supplement by taking vitamins. Vitamin D will actually help you live longer. You should take Vitamin D with your daily calcium intake. Vitamin C will help build your immune system to ward off viruses. Vitamin B6 and B12 will are your natural energy. Rather than grabbing an unhealthy red bowl or and other energy drink try taking Vitamins B6 and B12 instead. In summary, daily vitamins are essential for your body to perform at its potential, it may help you ward off sickness, keep you feeling full of energy and also may help you to live a longer life. If you don't take your vitamins than you are not giving yourself a fair chance at performance, without performance how can you focus on loosing weight, you can't, so don't forget your daily dose of vitamins.
Next I want to talk about fruits. Did you know that when your body craves sweets like chocolate or candy your body is actually trying to tell you that you are lacking a certain nutrient from a particular fruit. So the next time you are craving sweets grab a piece of fruit and then see how you feel. I like to have bananas and apples in the house at all times. I have a two year old and everyday we eat at least one banana. I like to eat the apples and bananas with moderate peanut butter as well. It really is a delicious and enjoyable snack and afterward I feel left with energy instead of eating junk food resulting in a crash or the feeling of hunger from non-satisfaction. In summary, make sure you keep your house stocked with bananas and apples, they are both relatively cheap foods and they will leave you feeling great and you may see the weight start to come off just by this simple trick. Any comments or suggestions you would like to add please feel free to ask...